Community Engagement Boosts Essential Services During Pandemic: Health Alert’s Project Report

Project Overview

Health Alert, in collaboration with the SUNI platform of civil society organizations (CSOs), implemented a project titled “Community Engagement for Sustained Use of Essential Services During the COVID-19 Pandemic” from December 10th, 2020, to June 15th, 2021. This project aimed to address the decline in essential health services, particularly immunization, due to COVID-19 fears.

Project Activities

Training and Engagement: Over a four-month period, Health Alert conducted training sessions in Port Loko and Kambia districts. A total of 246 community stakeholders participated, including representatives from:
Government (DHMT & Council)
Traditional leaders (Chiefs, Imams, Pastors)
Community influencers (Bike riders, Traditional Healers, Women’s Leaders, Teachers)
Community mobilizers (Town Criers, Councilors)
Community members (Market women, Youth Leaders, VDC Leaders)
Health workers (CHWs, PHU Staff)
Community Action Plan Development: Through facilitated discussions, stakeholders in twelve chiefdoms (Kambia: Manuthalla, Masungbala, Magbema, Gbinleh, Samu, Mambolo; Port Loko: Maforki, Marampa, Koya, Kaffu Bullom, Lokomasama, BKM) co-created community action plans. These plans address challenges in accessing essential health services during the pandemic.
Project Achievements

Increased Awareness: The project fostered collaboration and knowledge sharing among community stakeholders, leading to a better understanding of the importance of essential health services despite COVID-19.
Community Ownership: Twelve community action plans were developed, empowering communities to identify solutions and take ownership of improving healthcare access.
Improved Service Delivery: The project is expected to contribute to a rise in essential service utilization, including immunization, as community fears about COVID-19 are addressed.
Lessons Learned

Collaborative planning: Involving communities in planning health initiatives increases their effectiveness and sustainability.
Knowledge sharing: Facilitating dialogue among diverse stakeholders fosters a collective understanding of community health challenges.
Empowerment: Equipping communities with tools and resources allows them to address their own health needs.

Health Alert’s project demonstrates the value of community engagement in strengthening healthcare systems during a pandemic. By working collaboratively with local stakeholders, the project empowers communities to develop solutions that address their specific needs and ensure the continued use of essential health services, including vital childhood immunizations.

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