Health Alert’s Right-Based Approach Initiative to Reduce Maternal Mortality in Sierra Leone

High maternal mortality rates remain a serious public health concern in Sierra Leone. Health Alert, a non-profit organization, is implementing a Right-Based Approach (RBA) initiative to empower healthcare workers and improve healthcare delivery, with the ultimate goal of reducing maternal mortality in the country. In a significant effort, Health Alert has trained over 500 healthcare workers on the RBA principles.

Challenges Addressed by RBA

The RBA initiative tackles several challenges within the healthcare system that can contribute to maternal mortality:

Attitudes of healthcare workers: The project addresses negative attitudes among healthcare workers, which can lead to discrimination against vulnerable persons, including pregnant women and adolescents. Discriminatory practices and a lack of respect can deter women from seeking prenatal care and contribute to poor health outcomes.
Breaches of confidentiality: Breaches of confidentiality can discourage women from disclosing sensitive medical information, hindering proper diagnosis and treatment.
Lack of awareness of rights: Pregnant women may not be aware of their rights to quality healthcare services, which can limit their ability to advocate for themselves and receive appropriate care.
How RBA Empowers Healthcare Workers

The RBA training equips healthcare workers with the knowledge and tools to integrate human rights principles – Fairness, Respect, Equality, Dignity, and Accountability (FREDA) – into their service delivery. This empowers them to:

Treat all patients with dignity and respect, regardless of their background or circumstances.
Provide confidential care, ensuring patients feel comfortable disclosing sensitive information.
Uphold the right to health for all pregnant women, ensuring they receive appropriate care without discrimination.
Expected Impact on Maternal Mortality

By addressing negative attitudes and empowering healthcare workers to provide respectful, confidential care, the RBA initiative can lead to several positive outcomes that can reduce maternal mortality:

Increased utilization of prenatal care: When women feel respected and their rights are upheld, they are more likely to seek prenatal care throughout their pregnancy, allowing for early identification and management of potential complications.
Improved communication between patients and providers: Open communication is crucial for early detection of problems and ensuring women receive the care they need.
Empowered decision-making: When women understand their rights and are treated with respect, they are better equipped to make informed decisions about their care.

Health Alert’s RBA initiative, with over 500 healthcare workers trained, has the potential to significantly reduce maternal mortality in Sierra Leone by fostering a healthcare environment built on respect, accountability, and the recognition of every woman’s right to quality maternal healthcare. By empowering healthcare workers and transforming their approach to patient care, this initiative can contribute to a healthier future for mothers and newborns in Sierra Leone.

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