Sierra Leone Civil Society and Youth RMNCAH+N Coalition (TAAC) Advocacy and Accountability Workshop

The Sierra Leone Civil Society and Youth RMNCAH+N Coalition (TAAC) held a 5-day advocacy and accountability workshop from February 7-11, 2022 in Freetown. The workshop, supported by the Momentum Country and Global Leadership project, aimed to strengthen the capacity of Sierra Leone’s civil society and youth coalition on evidence-based advocacy and accountability for family planning and sexual reproductive health care (FP/RH) policies, funding, and political visibility at the national and sub-national levels.

Key Objectives:

Build the capacity of the CSO and youth coalition in using the adapted SMART Advocacy Approach
Develop evidence-based advocacy and accountability strategies to be implemented by the end of September 2022
Orient the coalition on public policy and funding landscape evidence to inform broader advocacy and accountability strategy development
Domesticate a SMART advocacy resource for the Sierra Leone RMNCAH+ Coalition (TAAC)


The workshop was officially opened by Victor Koroma, Executive Director of Health Alert Sierra Leone. He noted Sierra Leone’s 2020 FP commitments and the need to review the Cost Implementation Plan.
Fodie provided an overview of the Momentum project’s support for FP services through the Ministry of Health and Sanitation (MoHS) and the roles of the three local partners: Sierra Leone Midwives Association (FP commodities/services), Health Alert Sierra Leone (government policy interaction), and FOCUS 1000 (community mobilization and FP service uptake).
Alimamy, a consultant who conducted the RMNCH policy assessment, presented key findings, including that implants and injectables are the most requested FP methods, there is no FP policy, and no funds are specifically allocated for FP. Participants discussed out-of-pocket costs, stock-outs, and data disaggregation.
Lead facilitator Angela highlighted key advocacy areas: commodity security, human resources for health, domestic resource mobilization, FP policy development, and data.
Participants engaged in exercises to understand SMART advocacy, identify problems and solutions, and develop an outcome work plan.

Next Steps

Share presentation materials with participants
Create a WhatsApp group for coalition members
Participants to develop policy briefs on delay and wastage with credible data
The workshop successfully built the capacity of Sierra Leone’s civil society and youth coalition to advocate for improved FP/RH policies, funding, and services using the SMART approach. The coalition is now equipped with the knowledge and tools to drive evidence-based advocacy and accountability efforts in the coming months

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