Who we are


A Network/coalition providing a unified CSO platform through advocacy, training, networking, policy analysis, and lobbying with policymakers to ensure affordable, accessible, and available quality healthcare services, and equal rights to all for sustainable development in Sierra Leone


Is to envisage a country where women and children are prioritized in the health development plan and implementation with a strong and effective civil society leadership for efficient, high quality, affordable, available, and sustainable health care services and improved human rights conditions for every citizen in Sierra Leone.


To ensure the achievement of universal access and equal rights to health for all irrespective of race, tribe, color, and political affiliation for sustainable development in Sierra Leone.


With the view of accomplishing its objectives, Health Alert has a dedicated membership Network of about 54 CSOs and Media Ambassadors nationwide, with District Coordinators and campaigners in all regions, districts including chiefdoms that have been voluntarily carrying out effective monitoring, sensitization, and education on the free health care and other health-related issues nationwide. Our membership comprises people from various backgrounds such as health workers, teachers, youth activists, women groups and community-based organizations.

The Network has a secretariat situated at 18 Dundas Street with a total of twenty-four (24) personnel which include eight core staff comprising of the Executive Director, Advocacy and Communication Officer, Program Manager and Admin/Finance Officer, Gender and Nutrition Officer, Monitoring and Evaluation Officer, ICT Officer and Child Protection Officer, Fourteen District Coordinators, and two volunteers.